Recognizing the crucial role of water in our daily lives, we have strategically formed a new division: the Arachem Water Division. This division is dedicated to addressing the comprehensive needs o...
MVP ICON® is a pioneering system that measures and records ATP as well as other key HACCP parameters AND provides new management tools to ensure your program’s success. Designed with quality management in mind, the MVP ICON Dashboard software provides a real-time snapshot of key program metrics that are essential to managing your HACCP program.
The detection of ATP through bioluminescence is a well-established and widely used indicator of surface hygiene and cleaning efficacy in food processing. Visual inspection is not an adequate critical control for surface hygiene and the lengthy time-to-result of microbiological test methods (from 2 - 7 days) make them ineffective for hygiene monitoring. ATP detection with the MVP ICON provides results in 10 seconds allowing for immediate "go/no-go" decisions to be made prior to the start of processing and allows for correction actions, when necessary, to be taken immediately. ATP is a molecule that is found in all living cells, including: bacteria, yeast, mold and all organic matter. After cleaning and/or sanitizing, food processing equipment and the plant environment is tested for ATP. If cleaning/sanitizing has been effective, ATP levels should be low.