Our Engineering Division is the leading provider of mixing & processing systems, fluid handling systems, agitators, aerators, separators, vibration sieve, mixers, metering pumps, chemical preparat...
Representing innovative and advanced Rapid Diagnostic solutions in Food, Feed, Aquaculture, Animal Health Profiling, Pharmaceutical, Cosmetics & Toiletries is our Biotechnology Division. We provid...
At Arachem, we believe that there should be no compromises when it comes to providing veterinary care to our furry companions. Our Animal Diagnostics Division offers technology and services to help ve...
Recognizing the crucial role of water in our daily lives, we have strategically formed a new division: the Arachem Water Division. This division is dedicated to addressing the comprehensive needs o...
A complete identification system, no additional materials required.
Microgen Biochemical ID systems are supported by the most comprehensive, powerful and easy to use, computerised identification system available.
The combination of the appropriate Microgen Biochemical ID system and software provides laboratories with a total package to meet their organism identification needs.
The Microgen-ID system software has an extensive and fully maintained database which includes free database updates for all registered users.
All users of Microgen Biochemical ID products and software should register as software users in order to be provided with their Software Update Password.