Recognizing the crucial role of water in our daily lives, we have strategically formed a new division: the Arachem Water Division. This division is dedicated to addressing the comprehensive needs o...
Every dog, every year. For healthier pets—and more
Every dog, every year. For healthier pets—and more.
The SNAP® 4Dx® Test is the standard of care for annual parasite screening. It provides an accurate, in-house result in just eight minutes. But the benefits of vector-borne disease screening go far beyond the well-being of an individual pet.
By adopting regular screening protocols at your practice, you can increase awareness and understanding of vector-borne disease in your community. And build the value of your practice with pet owners.
Count on the affordable SNAP 4Dx Test to deliver accurate screening results—with at least 98% specificity on all 6 vector-brand diseases: heartworm disease, ehrlichiosis (detection of ehrlichia canis and ehrlichia ewingi), Lyme disease and anaplasmosis (detection of Anaplasma platys and A.phagocytophillum).