Johnson Screens

Triton® Underdrain Systems

Triton® underdrain systems are designed specifically for optimized collection and distribution with direct retention of the filtering media.

Our underdrain systems are made of Vee-Wire® filtering media support profiles that offer fine slots to suit the selected filter media specifications and U-shaped perforated supports to allow flow control for both air and water.

  • The underdrain systems are made of Vee-Wire® filtering media support profiles that offer fine slots to suit the selected filter media specifications and U-shaped perforated supports to allow flow control for both air and water.
  • The scalloped-shaped elements collect the filtered effluent and discharge it into a common flume, which in turn, routes the water out of the filter.
  • During backwash mode, the flow is reversed and air & water enter the flume and are directed into the underdrain.
  • Unlike conventional nozzle systems that require an intermediate layer of gravel, Triton® underdrain systems retain the media directly, eliminating potential problem with gravel.
  • Plug-free and low headloss performance; lower energy consumption
  • Improved backwash effectiveness, lower plant losses
  • Better cleaning of filter media, longer filter runs
  • Curved scallop design increased filter capacity
  • No grouting required, faster and easier installation