NR Static Mixers

Non-Ragging Pipe Mixers (NR)

The Statiflo Non-Ragging (NR) Pipe Mixer – also called a Non-Blocking or Non-Clogging Static Mixer – is a high-performance Static Mixer which has been specifically designed for sludge mixing or wastewater applications with high fibre content.

The mixer’s free flow design gives excellent resistant to blocking, clogging and ragging meaning downtime is drastically reduced compare to the use of a regular-style static mixer or other mixing device. Combining the lack of ragging with the high mixing performance and consistent mixture quality achieved by the Statiflo NR Pipe Mixer, it is clear that this product is a must for your wastewater application.

Full testing has been carried out on the Non-Ragging Inline Static Mixer for mixture quality and pressure drop. Along with this, onsite trials have been conducted to prove the mixer’s resistance to blocking, clogging and ragging.

Typical clogging of competitor’s
mixer after just 4 hours’ operation.
Graph shows headloss increasing
rapidly as a result of the blockage.


Statiflo NR Pipe Mixer free from
blockages after days of operation.
Graph shows constant and steady
headloss, proving no blockages occur.


The Statiflo NR Mixer is proven to be suitable for the following applications:

  • Sludge blending
  • Sludge thickening
  • Ferric sulphate and ferric chloride dosing for phosphorous removal
  • Coagulant / polymer dosing
  • Chemical dosing of sewage
  • Industrial wastewater treatment with fibres including paperstock